What is the best way to contact you?

Ideally by phone (0664 57 47 245). Other than by email we already have the opportunity of a brief constructive dialogue where you can articulate your main issue(s). I can then let you know to what extent your individual problem(s) are suitable for my solution-focused treatment approaches. If the “gut feeling” is coherent for both parties we arrange a first appointment.

What is the aim of the first appointment?

The initial appointment, lasting one hour, provides the opportunity for getting to know each other. You have space and sufficient time to address your main issues and acute difficulties in a trustful and confidential atmosphere. Often, first solution approaches already emerge. After you have outlined the nature and scope of your problems, I will discuss with you suitable counseling and solutions-focused therapy options, their main steps, and the estimated time commitment. For the initial one-hour lasting appointment, I charge a reduced fee of 80 Euros.

What does psychological consultancy mean?

Psychological consultancy or advocacy refers to interventions of mild or moderate psychological problems and burdens. These could be conflicts with family members, the partner or colleagues at work – but also difficulties in decision making. Very often feedback and inputs already lead to more clarity in terms of functional and alleviating options and, moreover, broadens the view of potential solution approaches.

What does psychological treatment / therapy imply?

Psychological treatment / therapy consists of evidence-based methods that foster adaptive coping with psychological, physical and psychosocial burdens. The core aim refers to the removal – or at least perceptibly and significant alleviation – of psychological “disorders” and their implied suffering. The treatment supports you and at the same time you should (re-)gain autonomy to efficiently cope with psychological strain and challenge. More adaptive coping strategies are means to alleviate pain and increase and this, in turn, contributes to (again) increased quality of life.

There are specific treatment methods for a variety of psychological „disorders“, e.g. tailored treatment methods for adjustment disorder, personality disorders, alleviating and overcoming depression and anxiety disorders and coping with chronic pain. Within the individually therapy approach for you we will together explore and train novel functional ways of thinking, emotion regulation and eventually behavior.

What is the duration of psychological treatments / therapies?

The duration of the treatment depends on the nature and severity of the disorder or complaint. The initial anamnesis – and if required the diagnostics – will provide guidance and inform the individual treatment plan.

As crude orientation:

  • Psychological consultancy and counseling orientation in case of mild psychological complaints: 4 to 6 sessions;
  • Brief Therapy for mild psychological disorders (e.g. light depressive episode): 10 to 12 session;
  • Psychological treatment of diagnosed severe psychological disorders (e.g. severe depressive episode or generalized anxiety disorders): 20 to 30 session.

Treatment Costs

For psychological consultancy, counseling and treatment / therapy:

€ 120 / 55 Min.

From 1 January 2024, health insurance companies will cover a partial amount for psychological treatment in the event of a mental health disorder – details will follow after publication of the reimbursement rates. If you have private supplementary insurance, please contact your insurance company for more information.